Food, food, architecture and some sluttery in Amsterdam

Our quick stopover in Amsterdam en route to Singapore started with a slight delay after we missed our flight by a hair and a half. To be fair we were cutting it very fine with the timings but ended up being refused boarding 15 min from departure time then having the questionable pleasure of watching our luggage being painstakingly taken off the plane, and the plane hanging about there for a good 15 more minutes. Thankfully an Easyjet transfer charge later we managed to just about get checked in on the next flight after much running and hilarious visits to oversize luggage.

Dam Square
Pretty lights and architecture was pretty much the order of the day in Dam Square and all around.

Amsterdam was expectedly gorgeous from start to finish. The AirBnB room Gayle source was nothing short of amazing as well as totally central, 10 points on that find!

Having dropped our luggage, the 14 tram took us on a scenic tour of the centre and we got off at the main square responding to the strong lure of a Christmas market. The mesmerized wonder continued as we proceeded to try just about every yummy  food available including waffles, dutch pancakes, copious amounts of cheese, strudel and potatoes. We do not do things by halves!

Dutch pancakes
Gayle clearly excited at the prospect of Dutch pancakes. They were very yummy.

Coffee shops, canals and the red light district amused our post food indulgence waddling, stopping very frequently to ooo and aaa at the absolutely gorgeous architecture, pretty lights, canal boats and naughty ladies on phones in shop windows. Definitely a city to revisit.

With the European bit of the grand tour done we’re currently waiting to board our flight to Singapore, heading to Asia for New Year. Let’s hope we get on  this one 🙂

Warm caramel pancakes
A yummy, happy discovery. Warm double pancake with gooey caramel in between.
Amsterdam's Christmas Market
All kinds of everything edible and yummy at Amsterdam’s Christmas Market.
Preparing fries with sauces in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam takes potatoes seriously with several little shops selling gourmet fries with every sauce under the sun. I would personally go for good old salt and vinegar any day.
A floating four poster bed in Amsterdam's Red Light District
A floating four poster bed in Amsterdam’s Red District. Sadly a bit chilly for late night floating redez-vous…

1 thought on “Food, food, architecture and some sluttery in Amsterdam”

  1. Great to relive the town I lived in for a year or ten through your eyes. You both are comming closer by the day now. Safe travel.

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