I’m in bed at 11pm, both sleepy and tired. I emerged from the cocoon that is Bahrija today where I spent the first half of the day.
I’m happy with the progress we made over the last two days and it feels good to be moving on to other things for bit. I really enjoy the variety.
This evening I had a meeting and a book launch of three books by EDE that quite a few people went to. Several people spoke about being exhausted on a Thursday evening which highlighted the fact that I actually felt completely relaxed and fresh after a few days in Bahrija. I had not really noticed before then.
It seems that exhibition production might be on the cards for the next few months following today’s meeting. I’ll need to balance it out with some decently paying work (the gov pays a measly hourly rate in general and my tax and NI need to come out of that) but I am really excited about the encounters, new ideas and experience that this will bring into my life.
In happy and completely unexpected news, Parking Space Events was featured by Lovin Malta today. Something about this project seems to have captured the imagination of many. I’m really enjoying the exploration.