I’m clearly grumpy. I can observe, around me, the effects of lack of communication. Of how the unsaid becomes a hundred times bigger than it actually is. Yet I cannot seem to get myself to communicate effectively about the simplest of things. It’s frustrating.
Grumps and frustrations aside, today was a great day.
Morning yoga, breakfast, Biennale work from home. Today’s fun bits involved some searches for very random imagery, comms here and there and some good finds. I ventured out early afternoon, stopped at the post office to finally post some things that have been lying around for ages, and walked Old Theatre Street to check for Street of Valletta updates. I popped my head into the gallery that has popped up opposite the Palace to see how long they aimed to be there and really loved the feel of the place.
Today I struggled a little with the number of projects I am keeping tabs on. Some are present projects, some at proposal stage and some just plans to deal with next month. I’m getting better at prioritising but there are still times when something completely occupies my brain space despite its lack of urgency. I got feedback about the project I outlined yesterday and my brain is panicking about the lack of elegance of it all and how unprepared I feel for the meeting tomorrow. I hope to have some time to dedicate to this tomorrow but some significant flying by the seat of my pants looks likely. Let’s hope it goes well.
Something I realised this morning that I completely forgot to mention yesterday is that I started my day with a rejection email about a job I had applied for with a local cultural institution. I feel like I’ve been courting this institution for months now. Emails, applications, meetings, interviews for various possible positions both freelance and contracted; but things just seem to not be working out. I think I might need to stop stalking and keep doing my own thing for a while which at the end of the day is something that feels 100% right at this point in time. I thankfully feel like things are going in the right direction (if there actually is one).
The afternoon today I spent at the office being a marketing manager. I feel like I’m starting to get into the swing of things even though there is so much information that my head often feels like it might explode. I’m really enjoying the practice of joining my new mindset with corporate work, company culture and the intricacies that come with both. I’m curious as to how that will develop.