With no morning fixed appointments or urgent work to do, I opened my eyes at around 9am. I spent the next few hours writing in bed, fed by a cute but not so wholesome Lindt bunny left over from Easter. I love the vibe of morning writing and had not had time with my big fat notebook for ages so indulged in both, along with some naughty chocolate. I emerged from my writing pod close to midday, showered and got my things together for a meeting at Bahrija at 1pm which I ended up being fabulously late for.
We started off trying to plan out a project and eventually went back to the drawing board to see what our general plans are. We talked about the Permaculture Foundation’s plans short and long term and tried to structure things as much as possible and come up with a plan that could inform everything else we are doing.
The afternoon brought some acro yoga and many, many laughs with some awesome humans at Bahrija. We eventually got cold and retreated to Peppi’s place to cook. We made and ate vegan gnocchi (same thing without eggs, they still work) with sage and coconut oil which were absolutely fabulous. Martin, one of the guys there, suggested we panfried rather than boil the gnocchi and that was indeed an upgrade. Seriously yummy stuff. There’s something special about making food and eating together with these vibrant humans.