Oh my, the mid-point of this experimental experiment seems to have passed by without ceremony. I’m doing a quick virtual pirouette in celebration. I’m also doing a double day diary since I got home late last night and valued the joys of a semi-decent sleep over my dedication to diary-dom. I’ve ended up doing rather large volumes of work these past two days. Thankfully with some high quality stops in between but logging in long hours overall. When the work you do is interesting, engaging and for people you love, respect and wish to support, it often becomes difficult to find the line of enough and enforce it. I’ve taken on a lot and tend to take it up with large doses of enthusiasm for the work. Pile on multiple volumes of that and it becomes difficult to keep up with and maintain.
Although my days are less rigidly structured than last month, I’m still feeling like it’s a struggle to keep up with the work that needs doing. Does it ever get to nicely managed work-flow that is running smoothly or does it seem to fluctuate from intense to quiet at sporadic intervals? Don’t get me wrong, quiet days are crucial for working on my own things, for exploring the world I tend to forget during times like these past two months, for thinking, planning, doodles and taking myself out on random outings.
Today I dared to have a proper look at my bank statement, much to my lack of entertainment at the actual amount of money that my bank is charging me for the pleasures of using a credit card. I’ve decided to put the credit card on house arrest and see how that goes for some time. It’s often hard to manage cash flows with money coming in and out at often irregular intervals so I’m curious to see how I will manage with this new setup. I’m also somewhat pensive about the Vat return, provisional tax and NI payments due this month which will probably both drain my finances and trigger my vast frustrations with how far the current systems are biased against anyone daring to do their own thing and striving to create a life that does not depend on huge injections of cash to be worthy and comfortable. I hope to somehow be a part of making things better.