Clearly I fell in a time warp somewhere. I’ve been playing around with social media posts all night and completely lost track of the idea of a leisurely Friday evening. Not that I minded. In fact, it was rather fun.
The random event of the day was a visit to the Domus Pauli museum in St Paul Street Valletta. I went to meet the curator, Robert Cassar to get some paperwork sorted for some items we are borrowing for the Biennale exhibition. As part of proceedings I got a mini tour of some highly unusual items and got to know the stories behind them. Robert and I philosophised on how we all seem to be in a hurry and how different the world all these objects came from was. How can we make sure that the stories attached to all these objects stay alive? How can we engage new people with old stories? How do we capture people’s imagination?
Tonight my head is a little full of things that need doing. The things I need to do over the weekend to fulfil my promises. The things I have not yet allocated time for. Perhaps I can experiment with slowing time down for a day or two.