Restorative, glorious, glorious day.
It started a little late since I went to bed late. I spent most of the morning panicking about the amount of work to be done and having some breakfast. At around noon something in my mindset changed and I planned going out time for 3pm and got on with some urgent work I needed to finish.
3pm: backpack, German and two apples in tow I headed to Fomm ir-rih. Walking, a little bit of swimming (the current brought in some unsavoury rubbish + jellies) and a lot of being followed. The noise in my mind stopped and I just listened to the sea and felt like I had become part of the scenery.
We left at sunset, drove home for some of Johannes’ magic cooking and sneaked in a nap before Spots and Stripes (a party that my brother djs at). Spots was vibrant, bouncy and endless fun like always. I spent hours dancing my toes off and bouncing around like easter bunny. I felt insanely proud of my little brother (and Bob) for making it impossible for anyone to stay still at all. Dancing frenzy was sorely needed.