This morning I was technically supposed to meet Peppi to work on Permaculture Foundation things before going surfing. What actually happened was that I stayed in bed till almost midday and totally skipped the working on the Foundation things part of the day. I felt like I was letting Peppi down, like I was an irresponsible human, etc etc etc. In actual fact I totally needed the lazy morning and it made way for a very welcome day of relaxation and lighthearted fun.
With the morning already over, we packed the car with ourselves and headed to Bahar Ic-Caghak where surfing was happening today. The spot there is a tad too tricky to beginner me so I just watched enviously as the pros caught some amazing waves. I can never tire of seeing the unstoppable Yasmin surfing. There’s something very magical and inspiring in watching a female human of my stature ride the waves like she does. One day ….
I, on the other hand spent most of the afternoon having (mostly) dry fun on land. The sun was delicious, the waves mesmerising, and they all made for a delightful few hours of play. With the surfers sufficiently waved-out we headed en-masse for Sanya Spa at Hilltop Gardens in Naxxar. I’ve been there twice for meetings but never had the opportunity to try it out. Today I did and what a place! I’m not much of a spa girl usually, mostly because the spas I have come across locally seem to be dated, noisy, overly chlorinated spaces that do not exactly mend my soul. Not this one. The simple sauna and steam room, the multi-temperature shower combined with coloured light that makes the experience feel like something out of an art film, the mind-stopping music (your mind instantly turns to mush as soon as you enter the spa), the sofa-filled library curtained off with bamboo, the serene pool, top notch bar and cafe area, etc etc etc. I was seriously impressed and walked out of there about 10 grades lighter than when I walked in. Restoration on seriously epic levels and gratitude to match.
Last stop of the day (before my diary) – some artwork that needs doing before sleep. It’s late, it’s Saturday night and I’m sleepy but after such a beautiful day it all seems totally doable.