Email marketing can be a bit of a maddening subject. Email clients make little sporadic changes just to keep you on your toes (Surprise! ), HTML builders show you one thing and send out another version altogether, apps issue updates that affect how your email renders, subject lines seem to have a completely random effect on your conversion rate. Thankfully lots of help is at hand as the email marketing community comes together to provide a constant stream of knowledge which they share freely just for the love of email (and a little to help sell their product but we love them anyway).
Here’s part one of a round-up of priceless tools to help you navigate the email jungle.
Analytics and Data Tools
Subscription-based service which let’s you preview first hand what your email looks like on 30+ email clients. Definitely beats having a million test accounts. Also includes tools for spam testing, tracking and email analytics. Their Learning Centre also has some really good articles, links to upcoming events and webinars and a great blog.
Litmus’ constantly updated lead tables for email marketing clients. Great for confirming that a not-so-great-looking email on Lotus Notes is not going to change the course of the world.
An American digital analytics company. Some great free whitepapers if you have a corporate email address.
Fascinating examples of A/B split tests which give great insight into the boggling mind of the reader.
Check whether you’re A/B split test sample size is large enough to be statistically significant or whether your epic win was actually down to pure chance.
Tools and Resources
Video hosting company’s how-to page on producing great-quality videos, video strategy and concept and video marketing.
Live content which adapts to when, where and how users interact with email, helping to make emails more relevant and valuable.
Mail Chimp’s resources on all things email marketing. Beautifully designed e-books made to keep you on the right track. Love What You Do colouring book takes the cherry.
Email Marketing Blogs
Action Rocket’s Elliot Ross’ blog about email design – he’s great at mobile optimisation (among other things)
Multiple authors share tips and tools related to email marketing.
Nicole Merlin’s aptly named Email Wizardry gives you the updates on email clients’ latest head-wrecking changes and how to deal with them before you are even bound to notice.
The lovely Ros Hodgekiss blogs about tips and trends in email marketing, interviews community leaders and takes you through Campaign monitor’s latest developments.
Articles, tools and resources for online and email marketing.
Not strictly email but sneaked in on account of its awesomeness. Marketing, business and a whole lot of life wisdom. Worth a read.